The responsible handling of waste is no longer a choice. It is an obligation, on a human, social, and economic level.
At Hermion we not only supply you with the tools for doing this job, but we also do our part in this huge task. Our partner company 3R Technology holds a recycling line in Preston, Lancashire, UK, where we can process over 15,000 tons of WEEE per year.
Our two processing lines shred, clean, and sort the bulk materials, obtaining a high-quality product, ready to be used to get new plastics for the industry.

Hermion together with 3R Technology are committed to covering the needs of the plastic recycling industry, from designing and building processing plants, specifically developed for each one of our clients, to the collection and processing of your WEEE plastics.
To get more information about 3R Technology and the services we can provide you, visit our website using the link below or contact us here.